
100 Unique Taverns & Their Keepers

Created by Igor Antunes

A 5th Edition supplement packed with : well crafted taverns, great rumors and plot hooks, and intriguing NPCs, 100+ pages of content

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NPC Character Arcs
10 months ago – Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 05:50:19 PM

Hello, dear supporters! 

We've been working on something we're genuinely excited about: Character Arcs for NPCs. Our one-page taverns are not just about locations, but also about the interesting characters you meet. To make these interactions even more memorable, we're giving some of our NPCs their own mini character arcs. This means that as players revisit or hear about these NPCs, they might notice them evolving, facing challenges, or even changing professions. It’s a small touch that adds layers of depth to your world, and we hope it'll make your sessions even more dynamic and memorable!

Inciting incident is WAY better than Quest giving ( I think... )
11 months ago – Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 05:58:03 AM

Hey amazing backers!

Today, I'm discussing ideas for plot hooks and quests in our one-page  taverns. Instead of the typical quest-giving method, we're borrowing the  concept of "Inciting Incidents" from movies. These are story-driven  events (a break in the status quo) or moments that naturally engage the  players. Picture this: instead of an NPC simply handing out a quest, an  event unfolds right before the players' eyes, compelling them to make  decisions and take action. I'm exploring ways to heighten player  engagement with the NPC when this inciting incident occurs.

Example: When the players arrive at the "Abyssal Bite Inn", a bard from  the tavern notices the bard in the players' group. He approaches him and  hands over an instrument made from the bones of the monster. As the  player begins to play, he is astounded by the melodies and music he's  producing. Thus, if anything were to happen to this instrument or NPC,  this player would be EXTREMELY motivated to help and engage in every  quest, plot hook, etc.